Friday, June 28, 2024

Hulk Hogan's Beach Shop

In Orlando there is a business set up by Hulk Hogan - it's a beach shop. It's an adorable little place where wrestling fans can rejoice in all that Hulk Hogan has brought to pro wrestling. It's also a great place to buy souvenirs and see real pro wrestling belts. 

His name is synonymous with wrestling and his fame has lasted the test of time. Hulk Hogan. The most famous professional wrestler of all time. He made wrestling famous. He was in a Rocky movie and on Johnny Carson. He conjures up imagery of the 80's with sweaty muscle men ripping their shirts off and fighting in brawls to win the world championship! 

Hogan has definitely defined an age and become an icon for pro wrestling. He's done so many other things though, reality TV, movies, and books. He has also set up these Beach Shops. I was skeptical about what could be so compelling about these places, especially in Orlando which is not next to the ocean. A beach shop in this location was confusing to me, but genius for Hogan. It's Disney's home so tourism runs rampant here.  Any extra stop besides Disney is going to draw attention. 

It was a charming little place. It had his image all around. There was a wrestling ring in the center of the room and for $20 you can hold a belt and take pictures in it. (Of course, we did this) The merchandise was good quality as well. I'm terrible about bringing or wearing sunglasses and I needed a pair. The delightful girl working there helped me pick out a pair. She also helped me find a magnet for the fridge and told us about holding the belt in the ring. 

One of Ric Flair's feathered robes was there, autographed pictures of Sting, and many other cool relics of pro wrestling of the 80's and 90's. As a kid my dad and brother watched a lot of wrestling, and my mom even took us to see a WrestleMania event once. It was really neat to see all the wrestling Nostolgia. 

Overall, it was a great place to find souvenirs, see wrestling history, and it did not put me in a sleeper hold. 

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