Friday, June 5, 2020

Prague, capital of the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic (Czechia) used to be part of a bigger country, Czecholovokia. Then they quietly spilt into two countries, Czechia and Slovokia. Prague is a jewel. It is the capital of the Czechia and the city of a thousand spires. It is nicknamed this because of all the spires on all the buildings and cathedrals. Just walking around was amazing. There were a thousand things to see and I feel like I barely scratched the surface.

The most delicious thing we found in Prague were these funnel cakes filled with ice cream. The entire city was like one giant carnival surrounded by cathedrals and gothic architecture. (Seriously people were walking around with the ice cream funnel cakes, corn cobs, and other delicious looking carnival-ish treats.)

The alchemist, the hotel we stayed in, was amazing and in the center of a great deal of the older architecture. We were able to walk to the giant astronomical clock, which is an amazing site. It is the oldest working astronomical clock in the world and has a great story behind it. Anyone who tries to fix it or change it goes mad or dies. So no one has done any work on it in a very long time, but if it's not broke why fix it?

Crossing bridges and walking down ancient footpaths we found our way easily. The cobble stones are not the most gentle on feet and my calves were feeling the punishment for days. It's probably a good way to lose weight and tone up if it weren't for all the ice cream/funnel cake stops. The natural landscape is very hilly and there were a lot of inclines on top of all the cobble stones. It is not a good place for bad footwear.

We had dinner one night in a tavern. It was actually built inside the rock, like a cave, (More like a cavern than a tavern... haha) During dinner this establishment put on a show, medieval fighting (with swords, axes, maces), a belly dancer, and a very talented juggler/comedian who could do amazing things with fire. It was exciting and the food was really great.

We also went to the top of a really tall tower. We had to walk up really crazy spiral staircase, (it was like 200 steps). The view was completely worth it. We wandered into Cathedrals and castle. The artwork, woodwork, and stained glass was breath taking.

There were a million things to do and we didn't even get time to see the new buildings. There is an entire city life we didn't even get to touch. We weren't there as long as we would've like to be, but just being there at all was amazing and a check off my bucket list.

Where we went and stayed:

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