So I went to the doctor. When I first started developing this problem I was 25. The back of my legs were throbbing and getting hot. One little spot appeared and it was swollen and blue. I worried about blot clots because we have significant clotting disorders in my family. The doctor I went to was worried about that too, so I went in for leg ultra-sounds, got my blood checked for clotting disorders, factor five, c and s proteins, and as a precautionary measure she even had me checked for Lupus because of the strange bruising. Thankfully I had none of these issues and it was just bad valves in my veins.
So, seven years later I have decided I cannot deal with it any more. The back of my right leg looked ridiculous. Like cottage cheese. I always wear panty hose, without it I just feel really insecure and it's not even about that, it hurts. It's hot wearing the compression hose, and I have reached a where the compression hose just wasn't helping any more anyway. So I went see a specialist. She took one look at my legs and said I needed to do it. She showed me pictures of people that had the procedure done and pictures of people that hadn't. Their legs were covered in blotches. When the valves in the veins get blocked up the blood congeals and it turns the skin brown. It looks like bruises, it also is very very painful.
So I had the surgery. I had to have an ultrasound the day before and they drew black marks up and down my legs to make lines for the incisions. The Doctor only had to make 3 incisions. One for each of the veins. She actually drew me a picture before the surgery so that I would know what she was doing. I arrived at the hospital two hours before the surgery, checked in and they gave me a room. I was really scared because I had never had surgery before and I didn't want to be knocked out. I guess I was fearful of going asleep and not waking up. They told me that the sleeping stuff wasn't that bad and I'd only be out for like half an hour. I couldn't do it. I stayed awake the whole time.
The operating room table went up and down making my head go backwards and my legs go up. The blood pressure cuff went off every five minutes, which is how I kept track of how long I was in for, I think it went off 8 times. I heard them talking. They could only get the one vein because the one on the back of my calf was too short and the one near my ankle was too close to an artery. The Doctor said everyone is different and if they go in to do the other leg the vein might not be that close.
When they finished the surgery they wrapped my leg up in an ace wrap and told me not to take it off until I had the ultrasound on Monday.
Monday was an amazing day. When I took the ace wrap off the cottage cheese lumps were gone. Completely gone. It was amazing. I didn't expect that to happen so fast. It has been one month and as I saw the doctor she said I should and can still wear the compression house. Things will continue to get better for a couple of months. I already don't feel the awful tired pain in my legs that I felt before the surgery and I am going to have the other leg done after the holidays. I can't wait. The results have been fantastic and the surgery was quick. I feel very fortunate to have had this done.